Title: Improving The Success Rate of Optimization Algorithms in Psychometric Software Author: Yves Rosseel Affiliation: Ghent University Abstract: Psychometric software often relies on optimization algorithms. In R, the stats package provides several functions for unconstrained multidimensional optimization (eg. nlm(), optim() and nlminb()). Often, these optimizers work well in most cases, but every now and then, they fail to find a solution (assuming a feasible solution exists). In this presentation, I will explain a number of tricks that can be used to improve the success rate of optimization, when used for estimating the parameters of a psychometric model. First, I will discuss the use of theoretical parameter bounds, and how they can be used to stabilize optimization. Second, I will explain the importance of parameter scaling. And finally, it will be shown how linear equality constraints can be handled in an effective way. As a running example, I will use maximum likelihood estimation in a one-factor CFA model.