Psychoco: Psychometric computing

Psychoco 2012

International Workshop on Psychometric Computing

February 9-10, 2012
Universität Innsbruck, Austria

Scope & call for papers

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from statistics, psychology, and related disciplines working on modern techniques for the analysis of data from psychology and the social sciences. Following the fruitful 2009, 2010, and 2011 workshops, it will provide a platform for discussions about implementation and application of software on the interface of statistical inference, computational methods, and applied psychometrics. A special emphasis is given to implementations in the R system for statistical computing. To create a diverse and inspiring program, both authors and users of psychometric software packages are encouraged to present their recent and ongoing work.

To participate in the workshop, simply send us an e-mail (before 2012-01-20): info at If you want to give a presentation, please send us an abstract (before 2011-12-24).


Submission deadline: December 24, 2011
Registration deadline: January 20, 2012
Workshop: February 9-10, 2012


Universität Innsbruck
Department of Statistics
Universitätsstrasse 15
6020 Innsbruck, Austria


Program: Carolin Stobl, Florian Wickelmaier, Achim Zeileis
Local organization: Hannah Frick, Achim Zeileis
Contact: info at
