Title: A Maximum Entropy Framework for IRT-Modeling Author: Georg Hosoya Affiliation: Freie Universität Berlin Abstract: Maximum entropy methods allow for modeling system states based on observable data and prior information. In testing situations, the system typically consists of testees, items and a response format. In this talk, a framework is presented that allows for the derivation of a large Portion of IRT- and especially Rasch models as special cases from a discrete maximum entropy distribution by changing functions that describe the relevant system properties of interest. The discrete base distribution belongs to the exponential family and is closely related to the loglinear model and the general model formulation by Rasch (1961). Some advantages of adopting the framework are: the underlying formalism of Rasch models is simplified, which allows for the derivation of important properties, such as the gradient and Hessian with relative ease , b) new models may be generated by focussing on relevant sufficient statistics and c) due to the generality of the approach, implementation in computer software is simplified. Implementation considerations with regard to estimating a latent trait distribution based on maximum entropy priors in combination with MML will be discussed and demonstrated in R.