Title: Recent Developments in Factor Score Regression Authors: Ines Devlieger, Yves Rosseel Affiliation: Ghent University Abstract: In recent years, factor score regression (FSR) has been proposed as an alternative method to estimate structural equation models (SEM). The FSR method can handle misspecifications and small sample sizes better than the standard maximum likelihood estimator. In FSR, factor scores are calculated as proxies for the latent variables, which are then used in a regression analysis or path analysis. In combination with a correction method developed by Croon (2002), FSR provides unbiased estimates of the structural parameters of the model. Recently, the FSR method has been implemented in the R package lavaan. This implementation includes several new developments: analytical standard errors, local and global t measures, model comparison tests, and support for multilevel data. In this presentation, I will illustrate lavaan's FSR capabilities using an example.