Title: A Generalized Polychoric Correlation Coefficient Assuming an Underlying Bivariate Mixture Distribution Authors: Laura Kolbe, Frans J. Oort, Suzanne Jak Affiliation: University of Amsterdam Abstract: The polychoric correlation coefficient is a measure of association between two ordinal variables. One assumption of this coefficient is underlying bivariate normality. That is, the observed responses to the ordinal variables are assumed to be generated by two underlying continuous variables that follow a bivariate normal distribution. This assumption can be tested for a given pair of ordinal variables with the likelihood ratio test. When the underlying bivariate normality assumption is violated, the estimated polychoric correlation coefficient may be biased. In this talk, I will illustrate existing generalizations of the polychoric correlation coefficient in which the assumption of underlying bivariate normality is relaxed to underlying bivariate skewed normality and underlying bivariate normal mixtures.