Writing R packages (Fabian Scheipl)
Wednesday, February 12, 2014 (14-18 h)
Thursday, February 13, 2014 (9-13 h)
Applied data analysis requires efficient use and mastery of
modern software tools. In this tutorial, you'll be exposed to
programming techniques that allow better control of your working
environment in R and will enable you to implement your own ideas
in software and share them with others.
Experience with data analysis in R, basic familiarity with R syntax
Installed software:
Recent RStudio (or any other IDE of your choice), R > 3.0 with
package 'devtools'. Windows users should have 'Rtools' installed,
available here:
The tutorial is supported by the Center for Educational Science and Psychology (CESP).
PDF version of the workshop program
(Note: Access to the presentation slides is restricted to the workshop participants. If you are interested in a certain topic, please contact the respective author.)
Thursday, February 13 | |||||
14:00 | Welcome | ||||
14:15 | Harald Baayen | Generalized Additive Mixed Models | [abstract] | [slides] | |
15:00 | Cyrus Shaoul | NDL: An R Package for Large-Scale Naive Discriminative Learning | [abstract] | [slides] | |
15:30 | Fritz Günther | Implementing Latent Semantic Analysis Functions in R | [abstract] | [slides] | |
16:00 | Ulrike Schneider | Predicting the 'Chunkiness' of Sequences in Spoken English. An Application of CART Trees and Random Forests in Psycholinguistics | [abstract] | [slides] | |
16:30 | Coffee break | ||||
17:00 | Jürgen Heller | Non-Identifiability in Probabilistic Knowledge Structures and Cognitive Diagnostic Models | [abstract] | [slides] | |
17:30 | Yves Rosseel | Old and New Approaches for Analyzing Categorical Data in a SEM Framework | [abstract] | [slides] | |
18:00 | Sacha Epskamp | semPlot: Unified Visualizations of Structural Equation Models | [abstract] | [slides] | |
18:30 | Claudia D. van Borkulo | Fitting Like a Glove: A New Method for Constructing Networks for Psychometric Data | [abstract] | [slides] | |
20:00 | Dinner (Wurstküche) | ||||
Friday, February 14 | |||||
09:30 | Peter van Rijn | Estimation of Speed-Accuracy Response Models: Positive Scoring Rules for Easy Tests | [abstract] | [slides] | |
10:00 | Philipp Doebler | Item Characteristic Curve Poisson Counts Models | [abstract] | [slides] | |
10:30 | Coffee break | ||||
11:00 | Georg Hosoya | A Maximum Entropy Framework for IRT Modeling | [abstract] | [slides] | [code] |
11:30 | David Magis | Recent Advances and Improvements in Computerized Adaptive Testing with the R Package catR | [abstract] | [slides] | [code] |
12:00 | Andries van der Ark | R Package cmm: Categorical Marginal Models | [abstract] | [slides] | |
12:30 | Giuseppe Casalicchio | Boosting (Ordinal) Bradley-Terry Models with Implicit Variable Selection | [abstract] | [slides] | |
13:00 | Lunch break | ||||
14:30 | Achim Zeileis | Parties, Models, Mobsters: A New Implementation of Model-Based Recursive Partitioning in R | [abstract] | [slides] | |
15:00 | Hannah Frick | To Split or to Mix? Uncovering Group Structures with Trees and Finite Mixture Models | [abstract] | [slides] | |
15:30 | Julia Kopf | Anchor Methods for DIF Detection in the Rasch Model | [abstract] | [slides] | |
16:00 | Michel Philipp | Score-Tests for Detecting Differential Item Functioning in Cognitive Diagnosis Models | [abstract] | [slides] | |
16:15 | Coffee | ||||