Psychoco: Psychometric computing


PDF version of the workshop program

Thursday, June 8

13:00 Welcome (Carolin Strobl)
13:10 Wolfgang Viechtbauer 14 Years of the metafor Package: A Retrospective [abstract] [slides]
13:50 Patrícia Martinková SIAmodules: Modules for ShinyItemAnalysis [abstract] [slides]
14:10 Dries Debeer eatATA: Automated Test Assembly for R-Users [abstract] [slides]
14:30 Charles Driver bigIRT: Fitting Item Response Theory Models to Large Scale Binary Data [abstract] [slides]
14:50 Marie Beisemann Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation Algorithms for Uni- and Multidimensional Count Item Response Models [abstract] [slides]

15:10 Group photo and coffee break

15:50 Mirka Henninger A New Stopping Criterion for Rasch Trees Based on the Mantel-Haenszel Effect Size Measure [abstract] [slides]
16:10 Achim Zeileis Tree Models for Assessing Covariate-Dependent Method Agreement [abstract] [slides]
16:30 Philip Buczak Detecting Random Effect Variance Heterogeneity in Linear Mixed Models through Recursive Partitioning [abstract] [slides]
16:50 Marjolein Fokkema Detecting Shape Heterogeneity in Penalized Regression Splines [abstract] [slides]
17:10 Gidon Frischkorn Towards Easy and Accessible Cognitive Measurement Models: Introducing the Bayesian Measurement Model (bmm) R Package [abstract] [slides]

19:00 Dinner at Tibits Bistro, Falkenstrasse 12, 8008 Zürich [directions]

Friday, June 9

09:00 Max Welz Quantifying Effects of Rating-Scale Response Bias In Correlational Analyses [abstract] [slides]
09:20 Andreas Alfons A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying the Onset of Careless Responding [abstract] [slides]
09:40 Benjamin Garzón Modelling Computer-Based Formative Assessment Data With Graph Neural Networks [abstract] [slides]
10:00 Stefano Noventa Toward a Unified Perspective on Assessment Models, a Perspective on KST, CDA, and IRT [abstract] [slides]
10:20 Florian Wickelmaier Extending the pks Package for Fitting Probabilistic Knowledge Structures [abstract] [slides]

10:40 Coffee break

11:10 Timo von Oertzen Why Bayesian Models Tests of Different Dimensionality Are Even Worse than Null Hypothesis Significance Testing [abstract] [slides]
11:30 Jaroslav Horníček An Efficient Way for Hierarchical Clustering on Categorical Data Using R Package nomclust [abstract] [slides]
11:50 Benedikt Langenberg The subgroupSEM R Package for Subgroup Discovery in Structural Equation Models [abstract] [slides]
12:10 Alexander Robitzsch Model-Robust Estimation of Multiple-Group Structural Equation Models [abstract] [slides]

12:30 Lunch break

13:50 Francesca Freuli A New Semi-Analytical Model to Assess the Incidence of Data-Peeking Practices [abstract] [slides]
14:10 Rudolf Debelak Optimizing Statistical Power in Complex Study Designs in Psychology: An Application of Machine Learning [abstract] [slides]
14:30 Felix Zimmer Minimum Sample Size Calculation for Prediction Modelling Using Surrogate Modelling [abstract] [slides]
14:50 Phil Chalmers SimDesign: An R Package for Executing Monte Carlo Simulation Experiments [abstract] [slides]

15:30 Coffee and closing

18:30 Open Mic Music Night with snacks and drinks, Gemeinschaftszentrum Hottingen, Gemeindestrasse 54, 8032 Zürich [directions]

Map with workshop location and social event locations